Rabu, Oktober 28, 2009

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010

Kaspersky is known as one of the best anti-virus. The new version, 2010 provide new and improved features. Read this article to find how KAV 2010 has to offer.

The new version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus requires Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. It will work in 32-bit and 64-bit systems. The vendor noted that safe mode will not work in XP 64-bit and will limitation if run in safe mode using 64-bit of Vista.

During installation of KAV 2010, the installer will display the standard End-User License Agreement. After agreeing with the EULA, another terms of agreement is displayed: Kaspersky Security Network Data Collection Statement in which if you agree, you will be participating in the Kaspersky Security Network by allowing the program to collect selected security and application data. This is similar to SpyNet in Windows Defender or any threat center by many anti-malware vendors that will help them in providing protection signatures for risks in the wild. It is not required to agree to the Kaspersky Security Network because the installation will proceed if you uncheck the box that you agree to the terms of participation in the said security network.

You can customize the component that KAV installer will install: Virtual Keyboard, Proactive Defense, and Anti-virus for File, IM, Web, E-mail and Program Kernel and scan tasks. A system restart is not required to start using KAV 2010.

The features and options in using KAV 2010 are quite extensive but don’t let it stop you in trying the program. Most of the options are very useful and offer what most computers need as protection:

  • File Anti-Virus: Protection by KAV against known malware
  • Mail Anti-Virus: E-mail protection
  • Web Anti-Virus: Network protection to scan web traffic
  • IM Anti-Virus: Scans instant messaging for malicious objects
  • Proactive Defense: Heuristic protection
  • Anti-Phishing: Fraud protection

Extra Tools and features in KAV 2010 are displayed in its Security + window which let you use the following tools:

  • Virtual Keyboard
  • Rescue Disk
  • Browser Tune-up
  • Privacy Cleaner
  • Windows Settings Troubleshooting Utility: To check the security settings in Windows e.g. if Autorun is enabled and if Windows Update is disabled.
  • Special Game mode
  • Browser Helper Object to identify unsafe website - I noticed that this feature is not working. I visited few unsafe website and even search the internet for known malware links but I can't see any visible color coding that it is supposed to display or warn.

KAV 2010 lets you rollback to using previous database if the new database is corrupted or providing false positive. This is quite useful since false positive or corrupted download can happen. It’s always recommended that we configure the anti-malware to send copy in quarantine for any threat it will detect.

The scan tasks in KAV 2010 are similar to what we expect with advanced anti-virus except that KAV 2010 is also offering Vulnerability Scan. KAV is running with acceptable memory during PC usage and during scanning.

I used 201 confirmed malware samples to test KAV 2010’s resident protection. The malware samples were located in Virtual PC. To proceed with the test, I started transferring the directory that has 201 malware files from Virtual PC to the hosts system where Kaspersky is installed. The resident protect able to detect 159 malware only and left 42 undetected. Running an on-demand scan failed to detect the 42 malware . I changed the settings to its highest protection level but the result is the same.

Kaspersky AV 2010 is $39.95 – a protection for PC and web that is worth investing if you want the extra tools that is not offered by other anti-virus program: NOD32, Microsoft Security Essentials or AntiVir

The Bottom Line
Detection and performance of Kaspersky AV 2010 is average. I suggest giving this advanced protection a try only if a free and effective anti-virus does not meet your needs.


Security + in KAV 2010Custom Installation Method in KAV 2010Scan Tasks Option in KAV 2010

Selasa, Agustus 25, 2009


SSH sangat populer di pengguna Linux dan Unix varian lainnya. SSH adalah protokol utama yang digunakan untuk remote shell, sistem admnistrasi, pertukaran data, sinkronisasi dan secure tunnel (sebuah alternatif murah dari VPN, orang bilang "poor man's VPN". SSH lahir pada dekade akhir milenium lalu, dengan perkembangan yang sangat cepat, dan dimplementasikan untuk berbagai hal yang membutuhkan keamanan dengan cara yang murah dan mudah.

SSH sebenarnya didesain untuk menggantikan Telnet (di port standar 23 TCP): yang dalam operasinya mengirimkan informasi dalam bentuk teks biasa tanpa enkripsi atau pengacakan. Sementara SSH dengan port standar 22 TCP, menyediakan enkripsi sebagai standar komunikasinya, dengan metode public-key cryptography untuk mengautentikasi komputer yang diperbolehkan atau user/password jika diperlukan.

Kegunaan utama SSH adalah untuk memasuki sistem komputer di tempat lain yang terhubung melalui jaringan dengan cara yang aman. Tapi saat ini SSH dapat diturunkan untuk berbagai hal yang amat dibutuhkan dalam komputasi jaringan atau lebih besar lagi: internet.

Lewat SSH
Bertukar data dengan SSH dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara/protokol. Semuanya adalah subset dari SSH, artinya dapat digunakan dengan metode yang sama yang bisa dilakukan dengan SSH. Diantaranya adalah:

  • SCP/SFTP adalah metode bertukar data yang aman. Bedanya bahwa SCP tidak interaktif sehingga bisa diatomasi dengan script. SFTP secara interaktif hampir sama dengan FTP, tetapi aman karena baik informasi kredensial maupun data terenkripsi.

  • SSHFS (Secure Shell Filesystem) adalah implementasi filesystem pada FUSE. Pada SFTP atau SCP harus ada aksi untuk memindahkan file ke sistem/komputer lain tetapi SSHFS dapat memetakan sistem/komputer tersebut seolah menjadi bagian dari sistem/komputer lokal yang terhubung. Ini akan mempermudah transaksi data yang sering dilakukan, tanpa harus jabat-tangan jaringan dulu setiap saat data akan dipertukarkan.

  • Rsync over SSH adalah eksekusi rsync (protokol sinkronisasi jarak jauh) yang dilewatkan protokol SSH. Dalam hal ini Rsync dapat diterapkan langsung melalui SSH atau secara lokal dengan SSHFS pada sistem/komputer yang telah terpetakan ke lokal.

  • SSH Port Forwarding & Tunneling adalah cara SSH untuk meneruskan koneksi ke sebuah port yang normalnya tidak terenkripsi melalui tunnelling. Cara ini lazim digunakan untuk banyak service port yang tidak terenkripsi, misalnya: database, http, svn dan service lain pada sebuah sistem/komputer.

SSH adalah hal yang generik di lingkungan Linux/BSD/Unix, tapi tidak demikian di Windows. Jadi implementasi SSH untuk berbagai keperluan di Linux tidak akan dibahas disini karena sudah biasa dan wajar saja.

SSH di Windows
Pada dasarnya SSH hanya sebuah standar protokol. Implementasinya secara luas digunakan di dunia opensource dengan OpenSSH-Server. OpenSSH-Server adalah paket yang hampir standar tersedia di semua distribusi Linux, Appliance berbasis Linux (RouterOS, UTM) dan varian Unix lainnya: OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, etc.

Windows menggunakan cara sendiri untuk bertukar data. Sayangnya standar yang umum terjadi adalah tidak adanya enkripsi. FTP service bisa diinstalasikan pada Windows varian, dari Windows 2000 prof, Windows XP Pro dan semua keluarga Windows Server. Maka SSH di Windows tidak secara generik tersedia, tetapi melalui pihak ketiga: para pengembang.

OpenSSH di Windows adalah salah satu yang bisa ditemukan. OpenSSH untuk Windows tersedia sebagai bebas berlisensi opensource varian dengan menggunakan pustaka Cygwin. Cygwin adalah semacam kumpulan pustaka yang membawa lingkungan mirip-Linux di Windows. Pustaka ini akan memungkinkan semua aplikasi berbasis sistem POSIX (Linux, BSD dan Unix) untuk dapat dijalankan di Windows. OpenSSH untuk Windows bisa dianggap implementasi SSH secara umum di Windows, yang dapat digunakan untuk keperluan apa saja yang memerlukan protokol SSH.

Untuk keperluan khusus misalnya juga bisa menggunakan cwRsync. cwRsync adalah rsync yang sudah dipaket dengan Cygwin, dan sudah dibundel pula dengan OpenSSH server.Secara mudah kita bisa menginstalasikan cwRsync di Windows dan memperoleh semua kemampuan SSH kecuali SCP. Jika sudah ada Rsync dan SFTP buat apa pula anda memerlukan SCP? Karena Rsync over SSH bisa diperlakukan/difungsikan seperti SCP dengan cara tertentu. Tetapi cwRsync juga menyediakan copSSH, jika kita lebih memerlukan SSH standarnya saja.

Untuk klien SSH di Windows, sudah tersedia banyak sekali, tergantung dari yang dibutuhkan. Jika hanya untuk remote shell, kita bisa menggunakan Putty, mRemote atau Poderosa. Jika hanya untuk bertukar data, sudah tersedia WinSCP, Filezilla dan OpenSSH/cwRsync client. Tunnelier termasuk yang multifungsi, dapat digunakan untuk remote shell, bertukar data dan port forwarding/tunneling sekaligus.

Mengamankan Windows dengan SSH
Salah satu cara mengamankan Windows anda adalah memasang firewall dan menutup semua port yang tidak diperlukan. Membuat Windows anda menjadi Fileserver memerlukan prosedur standar operasi yang ketat. Membuka file sharing membuat semua kredensial user dan data yang dipertukarkan dapat diendus oleh siapapun di dalam network. Pada desktop kerja yang tidak membuka service seperti http, print sharing dll, sebaiknya bahkan ditutup semua port akses dari luar dengan firewall.

Pada saat itulah SSH bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Untuk bertukar data dan sinkronisasi dapat digunakan SFTP server dari OpenSSH, sementara untuk file sharing dapat digunakan langsung SSH client dari workstation lain. Jika diperlukan dapat pula digunakan SSHFS untuk Windows dengan Dokan. Dokan membuat koneksi SSH ke remote sistem/komputer dapat dipetakan ke sistem file lokal.

Dokan pada dasarnya adalah implementasi FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) di Windows. Dokan membuat inisiasi pemetaan remote sistem/komputer memungkinkan dilakukan dari Windows, bukan sebaliknya. Jadi Windows client/workstation dapat memanfaatkan userspace di tempat lain melalui protokol SSH. Sehingga kita dapat bertukar file seolah lokal dan tetap aman lewat SSH.

Alternatif Lain: Virtualisasi
Dengan semakin banyak sistem virtualisasi tersedia bebas, maka virtualisasi bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai kanal SSH di Windows. Ambil saja Qemu, coLinux atau Virtualbox, lalu instalasikan sistem operasi Linux/BSD(openBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD)/OpenSolaris, maka kita akan dapatkan lingkungan alamiah OpenSSH tanpa pustaka seperti Cygwin.

Ambil saja Virtualbox, dan instalasikan Debian/Ubuntu base system, lalu tambahkan OpenSSH-Server. Jika Virtualbox kita konfigurasikan untuk dapat membaca filesystem induknya, kita kita bisa dapatkan akses penuh lewat SSH ke filesystem Windows. Cara ini barangkali relatif mudah dan alami. Cygwin terkadang membuat aplikasi POSIX seperti OpenSSH atau lainnya berjalan lebih lambat di Windows dibandingkan di lingkungan Linux/Unix. Dengan Virtualisasi, Windows filesystem menjadi host yang dapat kita perlakukan sebagai tempat penyimpanan saja. Kontrol, manajemen dan pengelolaan filesystem dapat kita lakukan dari guest system: Debian/Ubuntu.

Service seperti fileserver bisa saja kita letakkan di Windows, dimana kita tidak akan cuma berurusan dengan keamanan tetapi juga dengan soal lisensi. Semakin banyak orang/user yang dilayani, semakin banyak lisensi yang harus kita beli untuk di Windows. Sebut saja misal: 100 user. Alternatif tangguh dari opensource adalah Samba. Mau berapa ratus user kita tak akan perlu kuatir dengan soal lisensi. Yang perlu kita pikirkan hanya kemampuan perangkat keras yang memadai untuk hal itu. Jika hanya untuk penggunaan bersama, kita dapat menghubungkan banyak sistem komputer secara aman dengan SSH (SFTP/SSHFS). SSH membuat kita terhubung dengan sistem/komputer lain, dan kanal untuk mengelola file di system/komputer lain. Dari Linux ke Windows, tak perlu rumit, mudah diimplementasikan, tersedia bebas dan tetap aman. Pilihannya kembali pada kita.

Sumber: meta wacana


  • AlonWeb – Free VPN client

AlonWeb is a free VPN provider. It uses the standard OpenVPN tunneling service by hiding your real IP address enabling you to visit some restricted websites, but injects advertisements to the pages a user browses through their service. The serverRata Penuhs are located in the Netherlands and Panama. You have to choose the server on the website. Users are allowed to transfer 1GB of traffic every month. That is enough to browse normal websites, but not for downloading music or movies. With Alonweb you automatically use the OpenDNS-Servers.

  • PacketiX.NET – Free VPN client

PacketiX.NET is a Japan VPN service. It is actually a premium service, but they have PacketiX.NET online test service as well which is free to use. The service is fast and reliable and it is easy to use as well. Just download the VPN connection manager, install and connect!
  • UltraVPN – an OpenVPN client

UltraVPN is a French VPN client that hides your connection from unwanted ears and allows you to use blocked application. It is also based on OpenVPN service. Traffic is quota is unlimited. Bandwidth is up to 500Ko/s depending on network conditions. .
  • CyberGhost – Free VPN service

CyberGhost is a free VPN service from Germany which helps you route you through a German IP. The free service is limited to 10GB traffic every month, which is more than enough for surfing on websites, chatting and email. The paid service is also affordable.

Kamis, Agustus 06, 2009


Tutorial ini akan menjelaskan cara mudah setting Blogger Custom Domain menggunakan domain gratisan .co.cc yang semakin populer saja. Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu dan lebih tahu. Buat yang baru pertama kali tahu .co.cc silahkan daftar dulu, bagi yang sudah punya account langsung saja login. Artikel tutorial singkat ini akan dimulai pada tahap setelah anda login. Siip dah. Saya anggap sudah pada login ya. Lanjuut deh kalo gitu.

Setelah login dengan sukses, saatnya membuat domain .co.cc baru dengan mengklik menu "Getting A new Domain".

Ketik nama domain sesuai selera dan yang dikehendaki, kalo bisa yang diridhoi semua orang dan berprospek cerah. Klik saja tombol yang gemesin pingin diklik itu (masa' sih..) - Check availability

Tuh kan available. Apa? gak available? cari nama yang lain lah. Kalo dah nemu satu (satu dulu ntar bisa nambah..) tinggal lanjutkan dengan mengklik tombol.. (titik titik - isi sendiri).

Di sini anda akan diberi waktu 2 hari untuk menyeting domain baru anda. Sebaiknya langsung saja lakukan. Oke, klik Set up. Kemudian tinggalkan sejenak halaman tsb untuk login ke account Blogger. Buat yang belum punya [Create New Blog] atau kalo sudah punya blog langsung saja menuju ke setting page alias halaman tempat pengaturan menuju ke Settings > Publishing.

Berhubung kita bukan mau beli domain tapi mau pakai domain sendiri (meski gratisan), klik Switch to advanced settings.

Di halaman advanced settings masukkan nama domain yang ingin anda pakai. lalu Save Settings.

Minggu, Juli 12, 2009

Download Software Full

Selain buat koleksi dan backup-an pribadi saya, nih software sengaja saya share buat rekan-rekan yang doyan banget koleksi software. Software ini saya jamin bermutu dan pilihan. Sebisa mungkin saya masukkan Serial, Keygen, ataupun Patch nya ke dalam paketan download agar rekan-rekan bisa menggunakannya dengan Full. Hampir semuanya saya jamin Full included Patch. Selamat men-download ria.
password: slankz.blogspot.com

pass: slankz.blogspot.com

PHP SCRIPT ( Web Desain )

Yang lain masih banyak lagi tp lom sempet mau upload he he he.....

Minggu, Juli 05, 2009


Tools yg dibutuhkan:
1. gparted live, donlod yg versi zip nya

urutan caranya:

bikin gparted live usb
  • format flashdisk/UFD pake HP USB FORMAT TOOL
  • extract gparted ke root flashdisk (file copying dan lain2 berada di root)
  • buka folder utils\win32\ yg di flashdisk (jgn yg di hardisk), dobel klik file makeboot.bat
  • selesai.

install os
  • boot komputer lewat flashdisk/gparted
  • partisi hardisk jadi 3 (1 untuk mac kasi nama MAC HD, 1 untuk windows xp kasi nama WINXP, 1 untuk data kasi nama DATAS). untuk nama terserah sih, win xp ma mac kalo bisa masing2 30GB format ntfs ato fat32 ga masalah.
    !!!!! PERHATIAN !!!!!
  • instal mac os ke partisi MAC HD.
  • waktu instal, pake Disk Utility di instal screen nya mac untk format partisi MAC HD jadi hfs journaled. instal sesuai setting yg cocok untuk komp anda. (untuk laptop, wajib instal PS2 Driver kext, supaya keyboard ma trackpad nya berfungsi)
  • setelah selesai, jalankan mac os, ketika boot darwin ketik: -v -F untuk mastiin instalan berjalan dengan benar ma sluruh driver di load... lalu shutdown
  • instal windows xp seperti biasa ke partisi WINXP.

bikin dual boot
boot pake boot screen windows xp
  • download file chain0 (baca: chainzero), sori lupa link nya, cari aja dari google
  • taro file chain0 di root nya xp (partisi WINXP)
  • buka properties my computer (klik kanan di icon my computer, pilih properties)
  • buka tab Advanced pada Startup and Recovery klik Settings
  • pada System Startup klik Edit
  • tambahkan dibagian paling bawah:
C:\chain0="Mac OS x86"
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
C:\chain0="Mac OS x86"
  • reboot untuk mencoba
  • selesai...
boot pake darwin
  • boot komp pake gparted/flashdisk
  • ganti boot flag partisi ke MAC HD
  • waktu boot, di darwin, masuk ke boot option
  • pilih mau boot dari partisi mana... (MAC HD untuk mac os, WINXP untuk windows xp)
  • selesai....

semoga bisa membatu...

Mengubah Layout Facebook

Siapa bilang tampilan Facebook tidak bisa diubah? Hal ini bisa dilakukan, hanya saja melalui bantuan aplikasi pihak ketiga.
Untuk mengubah tampilan Facebook, maka pengguna diharuskan menambahkan add on pada browsernya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, anda bisa mengikuti beberapa petunjuk berikut,

  1. Komputer anda terlebih dahulu harus terinstal Add-on Yontoo Layer dengan membuka situs resmi Yontoo (www.yontoo.com/install.aspx)
  2. Tampilan pada Yontoo akan memerintahkan anda untuk memilih browser yang sedang digunakan. Baik itu Windows Explorer untuk Windows maupun Firefox untuk Windows atau Mac.
  3. Setelah itu, Yontoo akan menampilkan pilihan accept dan continue untuk melanjutkan instalasi.
  4. Kemudian klik start install.
  5. Sebelum menginstal pasti akan muncul jendela baru untuk memilih Add-on YontooFFClient.xpi. Jika muncul jendela tersebut, klik install
  6. Setelah proses instal selesai, restart browser anda, lalu klik continue.
  7. Tampilan akan memunculkan fitur Apple Changes yang kemudian menyuruh anda untuk mengklik PageRange for Facebook. Setelah anda mengklik toolbar tersebut maka klik Go to PageRange Facebook Apps.
  8. Jika anda sedang membuka Facebook maka akan muncul aplikasi PageRange Super Profile. Dari situ, anda bisa memilih layout yang anda inginkan, lalu klik select.
  9. Proses perubahan layout pun selesai dan anda bisa menikmati tampilan Facebook anda yang baru.

Selasa, Juni 09, 2009

Terminator Salvation (2009) - Download and Online Movie

Terminator Salvation 2009 Hollywood Movie

After Skynet has destroyed much of humanity in a nuclear holocaust, a group of survivors led by John Connor struggles to keep the machines from finishing the job.

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Sumber: Funbolo

Minggu, Juni 07, 2009

WebSite Terbaik Crack & Serial !!!

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

Rabu, Juni 03, 2009



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For the Speed and furious :
Good jobs.......!!!!!!!

Senin, Mei 04, 2009

Jumat, Mei 01, 2009

Speed Connect Internet Accelerator v7.5

Top internet accelerator (according to PC Magazine), a network settings optimizer to speed up your existing Dial-Up Modem, DSL, Cable, Wireless, LAN, High-speed internet connections.

Speed connect internet accelerators telah mereleased version terbaru yaitu v7.5! Dengan penambahan fiture-fiture baru dan perbaikan yang makin membuat software ini bekerja dengan baik dan efektif. Menurut PC Magazine, saat ini program Speed Connect Internet Accelerator adalah salah satu program Internet Accelerator terbaik .

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator adalah software yang diciptakan untuk meng optimalkan koneksi internet dan mempercepat koneksi internet kita ketika browsing, membuka email, downloads, uploads, serta ketika bermain game secara online juga voice talk online.

Optimizes all internet connection types
User friendly
Quick Optimizer option
Advanced Customization
Tool and Wizards
Load/Save Settings
Optimization Report
Connection Analyzer

FASTER internet connection
Send and receive e-mail FASTER
Download and upload files FASTER
Play online games FASTER
Improve Skype connection
NO adware, NO hardware installation
NO service subscription, NO monthly fees
NO new hardware installation

requirement: .net framework 2.0

Credit TutZ instal to 3mp3r0r5

Kamis, April 30, 2009

Firefox V3.0.9 Portable

Firefox V3.0.9 Portable

Features :
Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured web browser that's easy to use. It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more. Plus, the launcher bundled in the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favorite browser along with all your favorite bookmarks and extensions with you wherever you go.

Installing Firefox Portable :
Just download it, move the .exe to your portable drive (USB) and double-click it, then Select the location you wish to install to and click OK [make sure you choose the exact directory, as it is going to be set to something else, so if installing on USB, choose your USB directory]. A FirefoxPortable directory will be created there and all the necessary files installed. That's all there is to it.

Using Firefox Portable :
To start up Firefox Portable, just double-click FirefoxPortable.exe file where you installed Portable Firefox on your portable drive. Then, use it just like you would a local copy of Firefox.

Google Chrome Beta MultiLang Portable

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.

Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren't web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.

Selasa, April 28, 2009

Search Engine

Get to the Top on Google
Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine

Written in a clear, non-technical, style by a leading expert in SEO (search engine optimization), GTTTOG explains techniques and strategies proven to return higher search engine rankings and sales.

It addresses all aspects of search engine marketing and includes an assessment of the impact of Web 2.0 on Internet search strategies.


Get to the Top on Google:
Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings

Written in a clear, non-technical, style by a leading expert in SEO (search engine optimization), GTTTOG explains techniques and strategies proven to return higher search engine rankings and sales. It addresses all aspects of search engine marketing and includes an assessment of the impact of Web 2.0 on Internet search strategies.


Search Engine Marketing Inc Driving
Search Traffic to Your Companys Web Site

Step-by-step guide to setting up and managing a search marketing program for your organization

Best practices, tips, and cost-saving measures from two of the world's premier experts

Effective search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) is now crucial to the success of your business. But it's never been more challenging especially if you're responsible for a large, complex site. Finally, there's a definitive source for reliable information for implementing an effective search engine optimization and marketing program for your business. In Search Engine Marketing, Inc., ibm.com's site architect and a world-leading enterprise SEO consultant present best practices, step-by-step techniques, and hard-won tips for driving maximum traffic at minimum cost.

The authors begin with an up-to-date introduction to the fundamentals: of how search engines have evolved, how search marketing works, and how searchers and site visitors really think when they're trying to find information. You'll walk step-by-step through every facet of creating an effective program: projecting business value, selling stakeholders and executives, building teams, choosing strategy, implementing metrics, and above all, execution. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience, the authors systematically address every issue you're likely to encounter, from enforcing search-engine friendly content standards through hiring consultants. You'lllearn how to:
  • Handle the unique optimization and marketing challenges associated with large sites
  • Create site standards that codify best SEO/SEM practices
  • Align search marketing with your company's strategic and tactical goals
  • Automate checking and reporting for every page on your site
  • Create monthly scorecards and use them to drive improvement
  • Provide effective guidance to content developers and designers, in language they'll understand
  • Get your site indexed, choose target keywords, optimize content, and attract links
  • Make the most of the leading search engines and specialized and local search
  • Ensure that paid search efforts deliver optimal results, cost-effectively
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Test from YM ver 9

Minggu, April 26, 2009

Windows XP SP3 Dark Edition V.7 Rebirth Refix Version


Microsoft Windows Vista ULTIMATE x64 SP1 Integrated February 2009 OEM DVD-BIE

Microsoft Windows Vista x64 SP1 OEM DVD Integrated February 2009 (C)2008 Microsoft Corp.

If you’re shopping for a new PC you’re probably going to come across systems that are designated “64-bit.” These are computers running 64-bit editions of Windows Vista, typically with 4GB of memory or more. Compared to 32-bit systems, which top out at around 3GB of memory, 64-bit PCs offer added responsiveness for people who are running a lot of applications at the same time and switching between them frequently.
So you ask, what’s happening… Not long ago, almost all the computers you’d find at your local retailer were 32-bit PCs. People who bought 64-bit PCs were primarily technology enthusiasts or people running specialized software that used the large amounts of memory a 64-bit PC can support. The shift toward 64-bit PC production has speeded up recently, and that’s why you’ll be seeing more of these PCs in stores. One reason is that the cost difference between a 32-bit and 64-bit PC has shrunk. For example, we don’t charge extra for the 64-bit editions of Windows Vista, and the cost of memory, one of the largest factors of a PC’s cost, has dropped dramatically. Now most PC manufacturers offer 64-bit PCs that don’t cost a whole lot more than a 32-bit PC.
*NOTE: Windows Vista Ultimate is a very nice OS, don’t just take my word on it, try it out for yourself, with just your internet browser. See what you think of Vista Ultimate SP1 HERE

If you want to know more about this Vista Ultimate SP1, like features and other info Read more.

- Aero Interface (GUI)
- DirectX 10
- BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Flip and Flip 3D
- Built-In Diagnostics
- BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Speech Recognition
- Takes full advantage of Multi-Core Processors
- Vista Ultimate Extras More info on Ultimate Exclusive Extras can be found –> HERE

Release Name: Microsoft.Windows.Vista.ULTIMATE.x64.SP1.Integrate d.February.2009.OEM.DVD-BIE
Filename: bievx64sp129
Size: 3.73GB
OS: Windows Vista x64 (64 bit)
NFO: HERE (Be sure to read for proper installation)
Links: Homepage, Wikipedia


Disabling Recent Documents History

Windows XP includes a feature that keeps track of all recent documents you have opened or used. The idea is that you can select Start/Recent Documents History and quickly reopen any document you have recently used. I use many documents each day and never

use the feature myself. In my opinion, I can keep up with what I want to use without
Windows XP doing it for me.

The bad thing about Recent Documents History is that Windows XP has to calculate what should be put there each time you boot Windows, which can slow things down. So, if you never use the Recent Documents History, it's a good idea to disable it. Here's how:
  1. Open the Registry Editor (select Start/Run, type regedit, and click OK).
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mcft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
  3. Create a NoRecentDocsHistory D_WORD key. Double-click the value to open it onceit is created.
  4. Set the Data Value to 1 to enable the restriction.
  5. Click OK and close the Registry Editor. You'll need to restart the computer for the change to take effect.

Disabling the Boot Logo

You can remove the boot logo that appears when you start Windows XP. This little tweak probably shaves only a few seconds off your boot time but seconds count if you are serious about trying to get Windows XP up and running as quickly as possible. The only negative is that if you remove the boot logo, you will also not see any boot messages, such as check disk. (But if you are not having problems with your computer, this isn't such a big deal.)

To remove the boot logo, follow these steps:
  1. Select Start/Run, type msconfig, and click OK.
  2. In the System Configuration Utility, click the BOOT.INI tab.
  3. On the BOOT.INI tab, click the NOGUIBOOT check box option. Click OK.

Removing Unwanted Fonts

One trick that increases your boot time a bit is to lose any fonts in the Fonts folder in
Control Panel that you never use. The more fonts you have, the more processing
Windows XP has to do to prep all of those fonts for use. You must be a bit careful here to
not remove fonts that you might want, but there is a good chance that you can live
without many of them. For instance, you may have foreign language fonts and other
symbol fonts (such as Wingdings) that you never use.

To delete unneeded fonts, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Fonts folder in Control Panel.
  2. Select Edit/Select All and then Edit/Copy.
  3. Create a new folder on your desktop, open it, and select Edit/Paste.
  4. In this new folder, delete any of the fonts you do not want.
  5. Return to the Fonts folder in Control Panel. Right-click the selected fonts and click Delete.
  6. Go back to your new desktop folder and click Edit/Select All.
  7. Return to your Fonts folder and click Edit/Paste. You now have only the desired fonts in the Fonts folder.

You can directly delete fonts from the Fonts folder without creating the secondary folder. However, I recommend the preceding steps to help ensure that you do not make a mistake in the deletion process.

Stopping Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop Sharing

In Windows XP Professional, you have two remote networking features called Remote
Assistance and Remote Desktop Sharing. These remote networking features are very
helpful in a variety of situations but if you don't use them, it is good idea to disable them to save boot time. You can always enable them later if you want to use them.
  1. Open the Start menu, right-click My Computer, and choose Properties.
  2. Click the Remote Tab.
  3. Clear both check boxes to disable Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop.

Speeding Up the Dual-Boot Timeout

If you dual-boot your computer with Windows XP and another operating system, you see an operating system selection menu on startup. If you typically boot into Windows XP and not the other operating system, you can speed up the dual-boot timeout value so that you do not wait so long for the boot process to select your default operating system and continue with the boot process. The default timeout value is 30 seconds but you can change this setting to 10. This gives you enough time to select the alternate operating system if you want but also speeds up the boot process. You can skip this section if you do not use a dual-boot configuration.

Follow these steps:
  1. Locate the boot.ini file on your computer. It is a hidden file by default; mine is located in C:\boot.ini.
  2. Open the file with Notepad (which is what opens it by default).
  3. Change the Timeout value to 10 (see Figure 4-11).
  4. Select File/Save and close Notepad.

Speeding Up Your PPPoE Connection

If you use a Point-to-Point Protocol connection over Ethernet (PPPoE), you may notice a delay in using the PPPoE connection after startup. By default, there is a 120 second delay
but you can stop this behavior by manually configuring an IP address for the network
adapter card. If you do not use a PPPoE connection, you can skip this section.
  1. Select Start/Connect to/Show All Connections.
  2. Open the TCP/IP properties for your LAN network interface card.
  3. Manually set the IP address on the TCP/IP properties to an appropriate IP address and subnet mask for your network.

Reducing the Wait Time

When you start to shut down Windows XP, it has to quit, or "kill," any live applications
or processes that are currently running. So close all applications first. However, some
applications and processes are always running in the background. You can reduce the
amount of time that Windows XP waits for those applications and processes to close
before Windows XP kills them. Edit three different Registry settings to change this:
  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Select WaitToKillAppTimeout and set the value to 1000.
  3. Select the HungAppTimeout value and set it to 1000 as well.
  4. Navigate to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop. Set the WaitToKillAppTimeout and set the value to 1000. Select the HungAppTimeout \newline value and set it to 1000 as well.
  5. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l. Select the WaitToKillServiceTimeout value and set it to 1000.
  6. Close the Registry Editor.

Automatically Killing Tasks on Shutdown

You know the drill. You start to shut down the computer, you wait a few moments, and then you see a dialog box asking if you want to kill an application or service that is
running. Instead of prompting you, you can make Windows XP take care of the kill task
automatically. Here's how:

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.
  3. Highlight the value AutoEndTasks and change the value to 1.
  4. Close the Registry Editor.
Cridit: Cyberphreaking

Another Version For Making your XP Faster

Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster
Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should
expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly.

In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems a bit sluggish instead. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want. This chapter explores how to put these techniques to work.

Stopping Unneeded Startup Services

Along with the core operating system and programs that Windows XP runs when it starts, there is also a host of services involved. Many of these services are necessary for Windows XP to operate correctly. However, many of them are for features in Windows XP that you may not use at all. You can peruse the services and disable any service that you do not want to run. The fewer services that run, the more quickly Windows XP will boot.


Exercise caution when stopping services. If you do not know what a service does or
are unsure of the ramifications of stopping the service, leave it alone. Some services are critical to Windows XP's operations, so make sure you understand what the service is before you disable it.

To reduce the number of services that start on bootup, you can access two different areas
of Windows XP. The first is the System Configuration Utility. The Services tab shows
you the services that start when the computer boots.

You can stop a service from starting by simply clearing the check box next to the service and clicking OK. However, before you do so, there is another way to disable services that you may prefer because the interface gives you more information about the service in question.

Open Control Panel/Administrative ToolsServices or else select Start/Run, type
services.msc, and click OK. Either way, you see the Services console.

I prefer to use the Services console instead of the System Configuration Utility because it describes what the service does. Additionally, you can double-click a service and examine its properties.

Notice the Startup Type column in Figure 4-2. This information lists whether the
service is automatic or manual. Manual services are only started in Windows XP when you start a process that requires the service. Some other process may require the service that has a "dependency" relationship with it; in this case, the dependency service will start, as well.

Because these services do not start automatically when you boot Windows XP, you do
not need to do anything with manual services.

However, all services listed as automatic start when Windows XP boots. These are the
services that increase boot time. As I have mentioned, many of them are necessary and important, so you should not stop automatic services from booting unless you are sure of the ramifications. You can get this information by looking at the Description column.
Here's a quick look at common services you may want to live without:

Automatic Updates: This service enables Windows XP to check the Web automatically
for updates. If you don't want to use Automatic Updates, you can disable the service. You can always check for updates manually at the Windows Update Web site.

Computer Browser: If your computer is not on a network, you don't need this service. If you are on a network, leave it alone.

DHCP Client: If you are not on a network, you do not need this service. If you are on a
small workgroup, you can still increase boot time by configuring manual IP addresses
(which I explore later in this chapter).

DNS Client: If you are not on a network, you do not need this service. If you are, leave it alone.

Error Reporting and Event Log: You don't have to use these services but they can be very helpful, so I would leave them configured as automatic.

Fax: If you don't use your computer for fax services, you can disable this one.

Help and Support: If you never use the Windows XP Help and Support Center (found on
the Start menu), you can disable this service.

IMAPI CD-Burning COM: This service enables you to burn CDs on your computer. If
you never burn CDs, you can disable the service.

Indexing Service: Your computer keeps an index of files but if you rarely search for files, the service is just a resource hog. You can stop it and turn the service to manual.

Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing: If you do not use these features, you can disable them.

Infrared Monitor: If you do not use infrared devices, you can disable this service.

Messenger: This service sends alert messages on a local area network (it is not the same as Windows Messenger). If you are not on a network, you can disable this service.

Print Spooler: If you do not do any printing from the computer, you can disable this
service. If you print, make sure you leave it as automatic.

Remote Registry: This service allows remote users to modify the Registry on your
computer. If you are not on a network, you can disable this service.

System Restore Service: This service allows you to use System Restore. If you have
turned off System Restore anyway, you do not need to turn off the service. If you do, you turn off System Restore.

Themes: If you do not use themes, you can disable this service.

Windows Image Acquisition: If you do not use scanners or digital cameras, you can
disable this service.

Wireless Zero Configuration: If do not use wireless networking devices, you can disable
this service.

You may have a number of other automatic services, depending on software and other
configurations on your computer. So it's a good idea to look through the services and
learn more about them. If you double-click a service, a Properties dialog box appears

Notice that on the General tab, you see a Startup Type drop-down menu. If you want to change an automatic service to manual, select Manual here and click OK. As a general
rule, don't disable a service unless you are sure you will never use it. However, manual
configuration allows the service to be started when you find it necessary, thus speeding
up your boot time.

However, before you change a service to manual, look at the Dependencies tab (see
Figure 4-4). This tab shows you which other services depend upon the service you are
considering changing.

Keep in mind that services are necessary for the vast functionality you get with Windows XP. Change only those services that you understand and do not use. How you use your Windows XP computer should be the best guide in terms of optional startup services.


The Indexing service and the System Restore service take up a lot of disk space and
system resources across the board. You can live without the Indexing service but I
suggest that you keep using System Restore. It works great when you are in a bind and this is one case where the loss of speed may not be worth the ramifications of not using System Restore.

Speed Tips and Tricks for Windows XP Startup

Aside from startup programs, services, and the Prefetch folder, there are a number of
other startup procedures and issues you can modify to help Windows XP start faster. The following sections explore those tips and tricks.

Manual IP Addressing on Small Office/Home Networks

Windows XP is configured to help you take care of networking. It uses the TCP/IP
protocol for networking in workgroups, or what you might call small office or home
networks that do not use a dedicated server.

The problem is that automatic IP addressing can be slow. When your computer boots, it has to query the network to see what IP addresses are already in use and then assign itself one. If you want to speed up the boot time a bit, consider manually assigning IP addresses to all computers on the network. This way, the network computers do not have to worry about locating an automatic IP address. Because one is manually configured, the operating system doesn't have to spend time solving this problem.

This isn't a networking book, however, so I won't delve into the implications of using a
manual IP address, but if you are using a computer that functions as a host computer to the Internet (using Internet Connection Sharing [ICS]), you can get into connectivity problems if you change the configuration of the IP address. However, you can still work around this problem by starting with the ICS host computer.

Select Start/Connect To/Show All Connections. Right-click your network adapter card
and click Properties. On the General tab, select TCP/IP in the list of services and click the Properties button.

In the TCP/IP properties, you can see if you use an automatic or manual IP address. In
the example in Figure 4-5, I have configured a manual IP address of and a
default subnet mask. The other computers on my office network each use a different IP address in the same class, such as,,, and so on. This way, each computer has a permanent IP address, which helps increase boot time. Note that if you change the IP addresses of your computers, they must all use the same subnet mask. A default subject mask of will keep you in good shape.

Make sure you understand the implications of changing IP addresses on your network. If you have no networking experience at all, you may be wiser to leave the automatic IP addressing as is and try to gain some speed using the additional suggestions in this