Banyak sekali tool" yang dipasang oleh banyak warnet" dengan alasan untuk keamanan
seperti winlock, anti executable, deep freeze(hampir smua net ada) dan masih banyak lagi
dan hampir semuanya punya banyak celah..
saat ini kita akan membahas yang lebih gampang dibobol
apa itu winlock??
WinLock is a comprehensive security program for personal or publicly accessible computers running all versions of Windows from 95 to Vista. It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer.
This security tool allows you to restrict your users from accessing important system resources like Control Panel, Desktop, and system registry, disable Windows hotkeys (such as Alt-Ctrl-Del, Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Esc, etc.), hide the Start button and Taskbar.
With WinLock you can control how long others can use your computer. It runs from the system tray and requires a password to gain access to the available settings.
It loads automatically with Windows and allows you to add an optional startup message, provide audio notification, and set the time limit. Once that limit is reached, Windows is summarily shut down. You can toggle the timer on and off from the tray.
It also lets you deny access to selected files, applications, and Explorer windows (Recycle Bin, My Computer, etc.), usb and hard drives, ****** Internet content and prohibit access to questionable Web sites. When enabled, there is no way around it without the proper password.
Whether you're worried about coworkers going on the network and gaining unauthorized access to your private files, or your kids messing up your work files, WinLock is a software-only solution to your security needs.
Additionally, WinLock can be controlled and configured remotely by means of WinLock Remote Administrator application. WinLock Remote Administrator, the network security solution for Windows networks. It helps quickly configure remote WinLock clients via network, lock remote workstations, and apply security profiles by means of easy-to-use interface.
• System restrictions - disable command prompt, Control Panel, Safe Mode, and more...
• Time-limited access - control how long other users can use the computer
• Restrict Start Menu - hide the selective Start menu items, block context menus
• Control Internet access - allow access only to the trusted sites only, and block all others
• Sofware ****** - block access to the downloaders, games, messaging clients, or CD burners
• Hide drives - hide your system and network drives in Windows Explorer
• Logging - monitor changes to the Windows shell and writes these changes to the log file.
banyak sekali kegunaan winlock ini dari memblok akses FD atau yang lain
lanjut ke cara membobolnya..
1st-kita download Process Explorer(pengganti task manager yg di-disable dan lebih lengkap kegunaannya sprti men-suspend atau mengetahui info file yang sedang running)download disini buka dengan tool zip bawaan windows bila winrarnya tidak ada atau error
2nd-kill process winlock
3rd-copy script ini ke notepad atau editor lainnya
HKCR, CLSID\{D1A17367-4546-PRT8-6A19-11OO4FFI823O}\ProgID, ID
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies \System, DisableTaskMgr
dan save dengan extension .inf atau kalo males download dsini lalu klik kanan filenya install deh
4th-trus nyalain lagi winlocknya and pencet F11 atau klik di tray icon dbwah dket jam tada~ pass winlock telah di reset jadi kita tinggal memasukkan pass baru dan mendisable security winlock tsb
selamat mencoba.!
Download process explorernya Disini
credits script:TopengDigital